News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Che bello! Pope Benedict's fans and believers assemble for farewell tour 2 guardian
Home repossessions lowest since 2007, says CML 2 bbc
Helen Boaden becomes director of BBC Radio 2 bbc
LHC switches off for two-year break 3 bbc
Woman Found Fatally Shot at Home of Pistorius 5 nytimes
Economists warn over spending cuts 1 bbc
Oscar Pistorius 'shoots girlfriend' - local media 7 bbc
Whiplash claim system must change, says Aviva 2 bbc
Taxi for Pope Benedict... touring the Vatican's car collection 0 guardian
Horsemeat scandal: Germany pulls lasagne off shelves 1 bbc
NHS chief 'stopped from speaking on patient safety' 2 bbc
Bangladeshi Londoners bid for football glory 0 bbc
Autism damages case: Met Police loses damages appeal 0 bbc
Eurozone recession deepened at end of 2012 5 bbc
Fake girlfriend: I paid for make-believe love on Facebook 2 bbc
Teenager killed in Bahrain anniversary protests 2 bbc