News Article Title Version Source Discovered
NHS whistleblower claims he was forced to quit then gagged 1 guardian
LHC switches off for two-year break 1 bbc
Woman Found Fatally Shot at Home of Pistorius 3 nytimes
Shetlanders wanted for DNA health 'Viking' study 1 bbc
Oscar Pistorius 'shoots girlfriend' - local media 5 bbc
The heavy metal-loving church 1 bbc
Nuclear Watchdog Says No Deal Reached With Iran 0 nytimes
American Airlines and US Airways to merge 0 guardian
James Purnell to rejoin BBC 0 guardian
Horsemeat scandal: Germany pulls lasagne off shelves 0 bbc
Come to UK, David Cameron urges Indian students ahead of visit 0 bbc
Apple loses Brazilian iPhone trademark ruling 3 bbc
Senior republican Sean Kelly questioned over shooting 1 bbc
French and German economies contracted at end of 2012 4 bbc
Teenager killed in Bahrain anniversary protests 1 bbc
Rolls-Royce appoints new chairman 1 guardian