News Article Title Version Source Discovered
LHC switches off for two-year break 2 bbc
Woman Found Fatally Shot at Home of Pistorius 4 nytimes
Call to scrap gluten-free food prescriptions 1 bbc
Rolls-Royce profits and revenues rise 2 bbc
Oscar Pistorius 'shoots girlfriend' - local media 6 bbc
NHS chief 'stopped from speaking on patient safety' 1 bbc
American Airlines and US Airways to merge 1 guardian
James Purnell to rejoin BBC 1 guardian
Israel confirms it imprisoned man under false name 2 bbc
'It was like dying': a raped woman in Congo DRC speaks out 0 guardian
Warmer UK weather to replace snow 0 guardian
Labour must engage with the problems of real life 0 guardian
'Not enough strenuous activity' in school PE 4 bbc
North Korea nuclear test: No radiation detected 1 bbc
Laurie Anderson: music for dogs and Obama 1 guardian
Rio Tinto pushed into loss by asset write-downs 0 bbc