News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Vienna in row over legacy of historic antisemitic mayor Karl Lueger 0 guardian
Hollande and Merkel clash looms over eurozone austerity 0 guardian
Pensions regulator extends shortfall deadline 0 guardian
Obama hailed by Bill Clinton as Newt Gingrich prepares to say goodbye – live 1 guardian
Syria: Damascus 'suicide bomb' - live updates 10 guardian
Mitch Dobrowner wins L'Iris d'Or photographer of the year award 0 guardian
George Zimmerman lawyer says he did not know about client's defence fund 0 guardian
Selection of Jim Yong Kim to lead the World Bank inspires foreboding 0 guardian
British MPs say EU must do more to ensure aid reaches neediest countries 0 guardian
A week on the web: Rupert Murdoch at the Leveson inquiry 0 guardian
Martin McGuinness hints he may meet the Queen on diamond jubilee tour 0 guardian
Giving girls access to the pill over the counter is the least we can do 0 guardian
James Allen manhunt: police focus on Middlesbrough housing estate 1 guardian
Eurozone crisis live: 5.6m out of work as pressure piles on Spain 11 guardian
Gloucestershire chief constable quits over police reforms 1 guardian
Project runway: carving up the Kent marshes 1 guardian