News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Barclays shareholders have spoken. The overpaid must listen 0 guardian
Barclays AGM: a serious blow, but the board will survive 0 guardian
Tottenham Court Road siege ends as police persuade man to surrender 0 guardian
Anti-austerity movements gaining momentum across Europe 0 guardian
Boris v Ken: London's great unpopularity contest 0 guardian
South Sudanese 'press-ganged' by rebels in Khartoum 1 bbc
Jeremy Hunt urged to push for ministerial inquiry over BSkyB 1 guardian
In praise of … Nina Katchadourian 1 guardian
Voters! Build your own London mayor! 1 guardian
DSK: New York sex scandal orchestrated by political opponents 1 guardian
Jeremy Hunt faces fresh pressure over BSkyB affair 3 guardian
Le Pen success causes much French soul-searching 2 guardian
Leveson inquiry: James Murdoch appears 24 guardian
DSK and the missing BlackBerry 0 guardian
The conviction of prime minister puts Pakistan's democracy on shaky footing 0 guardian
Charles Taylor judgment is a victory for gender justice 0 guardian