News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Primaries results live blog - Republicans rally to Mitt Romney 1 guardian
Romney wins Wisconsin, Maryland and DC primaries 18 bbc
Romney rivals Santorum and Gingrich spurn calls to quit 34 bbc
Super Tuesday: Romney and Santorum battle for Ohio 63 bbc
Republican contest: Rick Santorum wins Louisiana poll 22 bbc
Victory for Mitt Romney in Illinois Republican primary 27 bbc
Primaries results live blog - Republicans rally to Mitt Romney 0 guardian
James Murdoch at the Leveson inquiry - Tuesday 24 April 23 guardian
Guardian writers on Orwell shortlist 0 guardian
James Murdoch at the Leveson inquiry - Tuesday 24 April 22 guardian
Bradley Manning judge orders release of state documents 0 guardian
Alex Salmond ties to Murdoch revealed 0 guardian
Britain has world's third highest proportion of sexually active teens 0 guardian
News Corp dossier appears to show contacts with minister over BSkyB bid 0 guardian
Leveson inquiry: Evgeny Lebedev, Aidan Barclay, John Ryley appear 9 guardian
James Murdoch at the Leveson inquiry - live coverage 21 guardian