News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Study reveals scale of errors on doctors' prescriptions 0 guardian
Greece election: rise of the far-right 1 guardian
Labour plays down forecast gains as 'Livingstone' factor worries leadership 1 guardian
Rupert Murdoch issues statement 1 guardian
European election weekend offers test for austerity and incumbents 3 guardian
Occupy Wall Street protesters march on New York and other cities for May Day 3 guardian
Wikipedia founder to help in government's research scheme 0 guardian
Local elections: patchwork politics 0 guardian
May Day Occupy protests - live coverage 15 guardian
Phone hacking report: see how the select committee voted on each amendment 1 guardian
Barack Obama marks anniversary of Bin Laden's death with trip to Kabul 0 guardian
New York subway bomb plot man found guilty after terrorism trial 0 guardian
Rupert Murdoch's Fox broadcast licences targeted by US ethics group 0 guardian
Rupert Murdoch deemed 'not a fit person' to run international company 0 guardian
News International executives may be forced to apologise to parliament 0 guardian
Rupert Murdoch issues apology 0 guardian