News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Jubilee weekend weather: wrap up warm and bring a brolly 1 guardian
Sensata outsourcing rattles Illinois community: 'Jobs need to stay here' 1 guardian
South-east braced for summer heat while rest of England fears floods 3 guardian
Two US children killed as construction site collapses 1 bbc
India gang-rape protests dispersed by police using teargas and water cannon 2 guardian
Police shootings suspect Dale Cregan had been released on bail 4 guardian
Donald Trump's appearance sparks near-riot outside Scottish parliament 1 guardian
Binyamin Netanyahu faces risk of 'payback' after Barack Obama victory 1 guardian
Police warn public of 'dangerous' sex offence suspect 1 guardian
Stephen Farrow found guilty of murdering vicar and retired teacher 1 guardian
Burma's leader admits deadly attacks on Muslims 2 guardian
Margaret Thatcher, Conservative Who Reforged Britain, Dies 10 nytimes
Annette Funicello, Mouseketeer and Beach Movie Actress, Dies at 70 2 nytimes
Horse attacker Sebastiano Mauro struck off nursing register 0 bbc
Wearing a Badge, and a Video Camera 1 nytimes
Climate change will threaten wine production, study shows 3 guardian