News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Attempted murder of former Indian military officer 1 guardian
Pakistan blasphemy case: 'Muslims could take law into their own hands' 5 guardian
Bureaucratic ordeal 1 guardian
Facing up to the shame of our imperial past 1 guardian
Britain should stay in European Union, says Obama administration 3 guardian
Margaret Thatcher, Conservative Who Reforged Britain, Dies at 87 14 nytimes
Pablo Neruda: Chile exhumes poet's body in murder probe 3 bbc
House prices show first annual rise in two years 1 guardian
Numbers nerd Nate Silver's forecasts prove all right on election night 1 guardian
Woman falls to death in Birmingham Bullring shopping centre 2 guardian
Queen guarded by the long arm and short arm of the law 2 guardian
Royal Navy members forced to return overpaid wages 2 guardian
Nato withdrawal from Afghanistan could be speeded up, says Rasmussen 2 guardian
No let up in Chicago gun violence despite Obama's hometown plea 1 guardian
Margaret Thatcher: tributes pour in for groundbreaking but divisive leader 4 guardian
Ex-US soldier who 'fought in Syria' could face execution 0 bbc