News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Marco Rubio survives his water bottle moment with style 2 guardian
Thatcher Freed Market Forces, and Europe Is Still Adjusting 6 nytimes
Margaret Thatcher dies: tributes pour in 1 guardian
Justice Breyer Inducted Into French Academy 0 nytimes
With Putin at Her Side, Merkel Criticizes Russia 0 nytimes
Leeds General Infirmary to resume children's heart surgery 0 guardian
Scottish identity 0 guardian
Like some dowdy Cinderella the ibis is suddenly transformed 0 guardian
Margaret Thatcher and her legacy 0 guardian
Britain divided on Thatcher record, but 50% claim positive contribution – poll 0 guardian
Teenagers arrested on suspicion of Eastbourne murder 1 guardian
Royal Mail chief executive says rivals need tough conditions imposed 2 guardian
Red Bull heir's deadly hit-and-run stirs debate on justice in Thailand 1 guardian
Texas state fair fans mourn the loss of 52-foot-tall cowboy Big Tex 1 guardian
Catholics celebrate Native American saint credited with US boy's recovery 2 guardian
As sanctions bite, Iran's supreme leader may finally have to learn to compromise 2 guardian