News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Microsoft investors reportedly press for Bill Gates to step down 0 guardian
McMamma Mia: Proclaimers follow in Abba's musical footsteps 0 bbc
Top 10 tips for writing a Hollywood blockbuster 0 bbc
7 questions on the cost of living 0 bbc
Super-fan 2.0: Why loving One Direction can be hard work 0 bbc
Spot the pro-EU Tory. It's easier than you'd think 1 guardian
Whether women 'lean in' or 'lean out', jobs have to change for us to succeed 1 guardian
George Osborne claims progress in tax haven plan 1 guardian
Hospitals 'are ignoring advice on caesarean sections' 1 guardian
St Kildan Norman Gillies dies 83 years after leaving island home 1 bbc
Why are Buddhist monks attacking Muslims? 1 bbc
Bob Brozman obituary 2 guardian
Aldo Moro mystery: Italian prosecutors revisit former PM's 1978 murder 2 guardian
Iran has changed course. Now the US must do the same 3 guardian
U.S. Reckons With Impact of Shutdown 8 nytimes
Apple saves $9bn with bond manoeuvre 1 guardian