News Article Title Version Source Discovered
'Obamacare' launches amid government shutdown 4 bbc
Bankrupt businessman found guilty of solicitor's murder 2 guardian
How many redheads are there in the world? 0 bbc
Seven convicted of Dutch linesman's manslaughter 1 guardian
Nursing home death rates to be monitored by Care Quality Commission 1 guardian
Julian Assange's asylum stalemate no nearer resolution one year on 1 guardian
Britain's long history of spying on visiting dignitaries 2 guardian
Ed Miliband accuses Daily Mail over 'lie' about father 7 bbc
'Why I gave up my US passport' 0 bbc
Italian football fans wreak havoc in Highbury restaurant 0 guardian
David Cameron: profit and tax cuts are not dirty words 0 guardian
Surge in purchases of counterfeit goods 0 guardian
The Labour party needs unions to keep it in the real world 1 guardian
Somaliland journalists jailed for libel 1 guardian
Independence Day: Statue of Liberty reopens as US celebrates 2 guardian
Nottingham Goose Fair: Seven centuries of festivities 0 bbc