News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Rape Crisis reports 40% rise in calls since Savile scandal 0 bbc
Exercise 'can be as good as pills' 0 bbc
I fear the chilling effect of NSA surveillance on the open internet 1 guardian
Lords call upon Humpty Dumpty in search for gay marriage mot juste 1 guardian
Alastair Campbell savages Mail editor over Miliband slur 0 guardian
Ideas for 27 - 28 May 1 guardian
What should I wear on a British summer holiday? 1 guardian
Top 5 TV shows that deal with mental health 2 guardian
US supreme court strikes down Arizona's voter registration law 2 guardian
Edward Snowden's leaks cause editorial split at the Washington Post 1 guardian
Mohamed Morsi's final days – the inside story 3 guardian
Piebury Corner attack: Man injured before Arsenal game 0 bbc
David Cameron setting out 'land of opportunity' vision 0 bbc
Shaping tomorrow's West End 3 guardian
The Co-operative Bank bail-in means little – we need real mutuals 1 guardian
Saatchi gallery hosts display of dictators in their youth 1 guardian