News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Football transfer rumours: Jérémy Ménez to join Liverpool? 0 guardian
Selma's Ava DuVernay tipped to direct Marvel's Black Panther 0 guardian
Macedonia ministers resign amid phone-tapping scandal 0 bbc
Five people shot dead in suspected murder-suicide at house in Arizona 0 independent
Amtrak train crash: Derailment happened on same stretch of track as 1943 Franklin Junction disaster 0 independent
Mediterranean migrant crisis: Theresa May says people making journey 'simply for economic reasons' should be sent bac... 0 independent
Birmingham City's Carson Yeung loses money-laundering appeal 0 bbc
Mental health cuts are ‘driving people to the edge’ 0 guardian
MPs went on a last minute pre-election iPad and iPhone buying spree using their expenses 0 independent
Free mobile voice, text and data plans coming to UK 0 bbc
Facebook tightens its grip on news 0 bbc
If you think Ed Miliband was too leftwing you weren’t paying attention 0 guardian
Unkindest cut? Insect penis gets the chop in the name of science 0 guardian
We need a new kind of politics: a vote every five years is not enough 0 guardian
Rupert Everett to join BBC's The Musketeers 0 guardian
The Fugitive heading back on the run with new sequel 0 guardian