News Article Title Version Source Discovered
DWP minister Priti Patel won't say whether she still wants to bring back executions 0 independent
Sadiq Khan announces bid to become London Mayor 0 independent
Panda meat: Chinese hunters held over scandal 0 bbc
Hot tub blaze at Man United star Chris Smalling's home 0 bbc
Burundi President Nkurunziza faces attempted coup 0 bbc
Indian teenager's plea to annul her child marriage 0 bbc
Israeli Artist Stitches Art and Politics Together 0 nytimes
Asylum seekers should be welcomed, but the UK cannot take all migrants 0 guardian
Feminism isn't a label Republicans can slap on when it's convenient 0 guardian
US Congress to vote on bill banning NSA from bulk-collecting phone calls 0 guardian
ICC urges Israel to cooperate in inquiry into possible breaches in Palestine 0 guardian
Will a pub team beat US soccer's best in the Open Cup? 0 guardian
Rules for a happy life: never look under a teenager’s bed and never clear out your kitchen cupboard 0 guardian
Ed Miliband’s guide to raving in Ibiza 0 guardian
Beeston bus stop rapist: Police release new CCTV 0 bbc
Walton flat fire sparked by sunlight on mirror 0 bbc