News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Stephen Kim, Ex-State Department Official in Leak Case, Released from Prison 0 theintercept
Many of the NSA's Loudest Defenders Have Financial Ties to NSA Contractors 0 theintercept
Zappos' new 'Holacracy' management system: No managers, no hierarchy - or you can leave 0 independent
Nepal earthquake: US Marine helicopter reported 'missing' with eight crew and emergency supplies 0 independent
Garland shooting: SWAT team shot suspects at Mohamed cartoon event, not lone officer 0 independent
Labour figures admit underestimating Ukip threat cost them seats in the general election 0 independent
In Mad Max’s dystopia, there’s room for all 0 guardian
Index cards still beat Google 0 guardian
Britain’s stately homes were built on the profits of slavery and exploitation 0 guardian
The Lib Dem demise in perspective – where Nick Clegg really went wrong 0 guardian
Self-interest and a just society are not in conflict, whatever ‘shy Tories’ think 0 guardian
Defra 'breaking law' by not restoring hacked air-quality website, say users 0 guardian
The blitz spirit that has been forgotten 0 guardian
Kerry holds talks with Putin during first visit to Russia in two years 0 guardian
Unite's Len McCluskey backs away from fight to reinstate Lutfur Rahman 0 guardian
Plate spinning: the smart chef's secret ingredient 0 guardian