News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Sony cancels The Interview release amid threats 3 bbc
Farc declares ceasefire but warns of retribution if attacked 3 guardian
In U.S.-Cuba Embrace, Rusty Gears of Cold War Diplomacy Finally Move 2 nytimes
This image sums up the U.S.-Israeli relationship 2 washpo
US stocks surge after Fed promises "patience" on rates 3 bbc
U.S. Penalizes Companies for Providing Fuel to Syrian Forces 2 nytimes
Congress sets limits on overseas data collection 1 washpo
Economic Fears May Push Russia Into Ukraine Deal 1 nytimes
Syria conflict: 230 bodies 'found in mass grave' in Deir al-Zour 2 bbc
U.S. Links North Korea to Sony Hacking 0 nytimes
Nigerian soldiers given death penalty for mutiny 1 bbc
Al-Sweady inquiry: ‘Deliberate lies’ - the verdict on claims that British soldiers tortured Iraqi detainees 2 independent
Sony cancels The Interview release amid threats 2 bbc
When the guest of honor goes stag, what’s state dinner protocol? 2 washpo
Farc declares ceasefire but warns of retribution if attacked 2 guardian
The death of the American family dinner has been greatly exaggerated 0 washpo