News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Home Office 'failed to deal' with foreign nationals refused leave to stay in UK 3 bbc
US stocks surge after Fed promises "patience" on rates 4 bbc
Will WHCD backlash equal a lower-wattage night? 2 washpo
Greek election uncertainty fuels concerns over eurozone stability 2 guardian
U.S. officials determine North Korea is behind the Sony hack 4 washpo
‘All sickened:’ The trail of carnage inside Pakistan school after Taliban massacre 2 washpo
Postcard from... Venice 0 independent
EU leaders focus on investment boost and Russia tension 0 bbc
U.S. Links North Korea to Sony Hacking 1 nytimes
Nigerian soldiers given death penalty for mutiny 2 bbc
European Court Reverses Designation Of Hamas as a Terrorist Organization 5 nytimes
The Latest Twist in the Bizarre Prosecution of Barrett Brown 0 theintercept
Sony cancels The Interview release amid threats 3 bbc
Farc declares ceasefire but warns of retribution if attacked 3 guardian
In U.S.-Cuba Embrace, Rusty Gears of Cold War Diplomacy Finally Move 2 nytimes
This image sums up the U.S.-Israeli relationship 2 washpo