News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Headline numbers: Osborne plan makes little difference 0 bbc
Is Scottish Labour leader Jim Murphy about to bring back Blairism? 0 bbc
CIA interrogation report: Just what did the UK know? 0 bbc
Obama moves to normalize relations with Cuba as American is released by Havana 12 washpo
Pakistan to pursue terrorists even outside its borders 5 washpo
Al-Sweady inquiry: Iraqis mistreated but UK troops did not murder insurgents 6 guardian
EU parliament backs Palestinian state ‘in principle’ 3 guardian
Hero mom calls into C-SPAN to berate her arguing pundit sons 1 washpo
What to read and watch about North Korea instead of “The Interview” 1 washpo
U.S. officials determine North Korea is behind the Sony hack 5 washpo
Middle classes use charity services far more than Britain's poor 0 independent
Russia Introduces Measures to Calm Economic Jitters 0 nytimes
Hectoring Venezuela on Human Rights 0 nytimes
The Taliban's Massacre in Peshawar Must Be Its Last 0 nytimes
Christmas truce: a mythical football match revisited 100 years later 0 guardian
Oxfordshire breast cancer screening inquiry: Six women diagnosed 0 bbc