News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Why Do Terrorists Target Democracies? 1 nytimes
New Scottish fund to help the young find work 1 bbc
Flaws in medical checks 'could lead to shootings', watchdog warns 3 bbc
HMP Manchester inmates moved as Stuart Horner protest goes on 2 bbc
Santander 123 current account fees rising to £5 a month from January 1 independent
Fighting at Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem Stretches Into 3rd Day 0 nytimes
Turnbull must change climate policies or he will perish 0 guardian
The CNN Republican debate is Trump's title fight – with 10 rivals taking swings 0 guardian
Why Medway’s reaction to the refugee crisis makes me proud 0 guardian
Labour for Independence fined for breaking spending rules 0 guardian
Corbyn stands silent during national anthem at Battle of Britain service 0 guardian
EE customer gets called a 'f****** c***' after phoning to pay a £35 bill 1 independent
Delta State shooting suspect found dead after telling police: I'm not going to jail 5 guardian
Hungary Detains Migrants in Border Crackdown 5 nytimes
Afghan Taliban storm Ghazni prison, freeing hundreds 7 bbc
French Alps avalanche kills five climbers 0 guardian