News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Hungary Detains Migrants in Border Crackdown 6 nytimes
Baruch College Hazing death: 37 people charged over death of Asian American student in initiation ritual 0 independent
Footage shows deer jump through window and roam hotel in Nebraska 0 independent
Refugee crisis: German container ship captain crowdfunding for rescue ship in Mediterranean 0 independent
Mother explains why she posed for photo next to dead husband's body with her two young children 0 independent
Guantanamo Bay inmate has dating profile on and says he's 'detained but ready to mingle' 0 independent
George Osborne's biggest benefit cuts are for people who actually have jobs, IFS says 2 independent
Lawsuit could establish end to prosecution of war criminals living in US 1 guardian
Delta State University shooting suspect 'kills himself' 9 bbc
Migrant crisis: Hungary declares emergency at Serbia border 9 bbc
Viewpoint: Should we all be looking for marginal gains? 2 bbc
Spanish ‘safe cities’ hope to offer a haven for refugees 0 guardian
Turkey on the verge of civil war, says Kurdish leader 0 guardian
Jeremy Corbyn should reform PMQs to make it prime minister’s answers 0 guardian
Young refugees in the UK left demoralised and jobless 0 guardian
Jeremy Corbyn faces EU questions as unions toughen stance 7 bbc