News Article Title Version Source Discovered
South African animal rights group tries to stop big game hunt 0 guardian
New Zealand teenager charged with bludgeoning man to death in Vanuatu 0 guardian
Thailand's King Bhumibol being treated for blood infection 0 guardian
MPs should be brave – and finally vote to give us the right to die 0 guardian
Stormont crisis: New cross-party talks to begin 0 bbc
Christian refugees from Middle East should be given priority, says Eric Abetz 0 guardian
Yi-Fen Chou: White author under fire after using Asian pen name to be published more often 7 independent
Tony Abbott under pressure to take more Syrian refugees, and China free trade motion – question time live 12 guardian
EU’s £365m sop to farmers to compensate for plummeting milk and meat prices 0 independent
Islamic State conflict: Questions raised over drone strike 1 bbc
Syrian asylum seeker repatriated from Manus Island with Australian assistance 1 guardian
Aung San Suu Kyi's party excludes Muslim candidates 0 bbc
Australian falls to her death from Norway tourist spot 0 bbc
Bill Shorten demands job safeguards for supporting China free trade deal 0 guardian
China’s funeral revolutionaries 0 guardian
Expanding Heathrow airport: in numbers 5 independent