News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Clashes Erupt in Hong Kong After Dueling Demonstrations 2 nytimes
Battle of Arnhem: Mass parachute drop marks WW2 assault 5 bbc
Behind the Whistle-Blower Case, a Long-Held Trump Grudge Toward Ukraine 2 nytimes
Bernie Sanders Calls for Eliminating Americans’ Medical Debt 1 nytimes
Extinction Rebellion Dover: Four climate activists arrested 2 bbc
Jonathan Van Ness of ‘Queer Eye’ Comes Out 1 nytimes
Iran warns it will 'destroy aggressors' after US troop announcement 3 bbc
Tom Watson: Labour ditches vote on abolishing deputy leader role 5 guardian
'Nothing was wrong': Trump hits out at claims he asked Ukraine for Biden dirt 1 guardian
'Nothing was wrong': Trump hits out at claims he asked Ukraine for Biden dirt 1 guardian
We blame Iran, because Iranian arms were used! Saudis double down on claim as origin of oil-plant attack remains unclear 0 rtcom
Vicky Glass murder: Police appeal over unsolved 2000 killing 0 bbc
Police crack down on resurgent gilets jaunes protesters in Paris 3 guardian
Hong Kong riot police fire teargas at protesters as unrest continues 3 guardian
Police crack down on resurgent gilets jaunes protesters in Paris 1 guardian
Trump Focuses on Defending Saudis, Not Striking Iran, for Now 2 nytimes