News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Dressed as Aladdin, but No Happily Ever After 1 nytimes
She Fled Famine in North Korea, Then Died Poor in a Prosperous Land 1 nytimes
Brexit: What does Yellowhammer say about no-deal impact? 9 bbc
Thomas Cook: Peterborough MP calls for government 'leadership' 0 bbc
Egyptian forces fire teargas on anti-government protesters 3 guardian
Bernie Sanders Calls for Eliminating Americans’ Medical Debt 2 nytimes
At Area 51, Plenty of Invaders, No Aliens 1 nytimes
Extinction Rebellion: 10 arrested at Dover protest 2 guardian
Creamy, untreated and in a glass bottle: Britain gets a taste for old-fashioned milk 1 guardian
‘A violent incident of huge magnitude’: 2 dead, 8 injured in S. Carolina bar shooting 0 rtcom
We blame Iran, because Iranian arms were used! Saudis double down on claim as origin of oil-plant attack remains unclear 1 rtcom
Two men arrested over Corhampton shooting murder 0 bbc
Thomas Cook customers fear ruined weddings and holidays 0 bbc
Police crack down on resurgent gilets jaunes protesters in Paris 4 guardian
Scottish independence group marks referendum anniversary 0 bbc
Revolutionary Guard in Iran Vows ‘Full Destruction of Any Aggressor’ 0 nytimes