News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Welsh assembly 'needs more punch' 2 bbc
Assembly huge Labour own goal? 1 bbc
Lesotho Aids diary: Orphan 0 bbc
Banks gain on stress test hopes 4 bbc
French probe into African leaders 0 bbc
Easyjet losses more than double 0 bbc
Should people be barred from the UK? 12 bbc
Manchester 'launch' for ID cards 2 bbc
LDV takeover near after £5m loan 3 bbc
US Afghan strikes 'killed dozens' 3 bbc
Assembly huge Labour own-goal? 0 bbc
Movie disappointments hit Disney 0 bbc
Welsh assembly 'needs more punch' 1 bbc
US Afghan strikes 'killed dozens' 2 bbc
Czech senate to vote on EU treaty 0 bbc
PDP wins Nigerian state election 0 bbc