News Article Title Version Source Discovered
College abuse claim to be heard 5 bbc
College abuse claim to be heard 2 bbc
Escort offer for cash withdrawals 1 bbc
US planes 'kill Afghan civilians' 1 bbc
UN rebukes Israel over Gaza raids 5 bbc
No 10 denies Lumley 'Gurkha snub' 2 bbc
GP's outrage over father's death 3 bbc
GP's outrage over father's death 1 bbc
US resident dies from swine flu 1 bbc
UN rebukes Israel over Gaza raids 4 bbc
US resident dies from swine flu 0 bbc
Should people be barred from the UK? 11 bbc
Feminist icon French dies at 79 1 bbc
Rail 'champs' to improve stations 0 bbc
GP's outrage over father's death 0 bbc
Zimbabwe teachers call off strike 4 bbc