News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Sweden's 'gender-neutral' pre-school 1 bbc
Vigil for unemployed former Jarvis workers in Leeds 1 bbc
Quiz of the week's news 1 bbc
Space shuttle timeline 1 bbc
Dorset pliosaur: ‘Most fearsome predator’ unveiled 1 bbc
The feisty Indian kings and their temple treasure 3 bbc
Miliband: Scrap 'toothless' Press Complaints Commission 3 bbc
Dominique Strauss-Kahn: Tristane Banon claims probed 0 bbc
Egypt: Million-person protest called in Tahrir Square 1 bbc
Unique pig-nosed turtle is over-harvested in New Guinea 0 bbc
Judge to head News of the World hacking inquiry - Cameron 0 bbc
Two more Lib Dem candidates ineligible for assembly 2 bbc
Pakistan 'approved Saleem Shahzad murder' says Mullen 3 bbc
Canada royal tour making of us - Duke of Cambridge 3 bbc
Harry Potter premiere: Stars and fans bid tearful goodbye 7 bbc
Stem cell hope for heart patients 0 bbc