News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Egypt: Thousands of protesters gather in Tahrir Square 2 bbc
Tolerance game in memory of killed Goth Sophie Lancaster 0 bbc
Cameron defends hiring of ex-News of the World boss Coulson 1 bbc
Pakistan 'approved Saleem Shahzad murder' says Mullen 4 bbc
Formula 1 technology aids everyday life 2 bbc
Ahmadinejad v Ayatollah: Who will win Iran dust-up? 0 bbc
South Sudan counts down to independence 1 bbc
German exports bounce back in May 0 bbc
British Gas increases gas and electricity bills 0 bbc
NoW hacking row: Tommy Sheridan trial evidence reviewed 4 bbc
State-private university entry divide revealed 3 bbc
Sweden's 'gender-neutral' pre-school 1 bbc
Vigil for unemployed former Jarvis workers in Leeds 1 bbc
Quiz of the week's news 1 bbc
Space shuttle timeline 1 bbc
Dorset pliosaur: ‘Most fearsome predator’ unveiled 1 bbc