News Article Title Version Source Discovered
David Cameron to Smiths: what difference does it make? 0 guardian
Andrew Bailey named as head of Prudential Regulation Authority 0 guardian
How psychology can beat obesity 0 guardian
Ten crucial questions in trial of Chris Huhne's ex-wife 0 guardian
Mancunians dismiss BBC fly-on-wall documentary as negative stereotyping 0 guardian
Anti-fascist protesters greet speech by Marine Le Pen at Cambridge 0 guardian
HMS Tireless returns to Plymouth after reactor leak 0 bbc
Jamie Heaton blast death: Andrew Partington jailed 4 bbc
Pop-up book club: The Feminine Mystique 2 guardian
Criticisms of a Classic Abound 4 nytimes
Israel Releases Part of Report on Prisoner X’s Death 1 nytimes
Harlem Shake: Baauer cashes in on viral video's massive YouTube success 0 guardian
France blames Islamists as family kidnapped in Cameroon 0 guardian
Bankers' bonus cap: negotiations stall 0 guardian
Carlos Saavedra: keeping the dream alive for undocumented people in the US 0 guardian
Can HTC's new phone challenge Apple and Samsung once again? 0 bbc