News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Can HTC's new phone challenge Apple and Samsung once again? 0 bbc
Middlesbrough house crash: Girls thrown from sofa 5 bbc
Magdalene laundries: Irish Prime Minister issues apology 2 bbc
Diamonds Valued at $50 Million Stolen at Brussels Airport 2 nytimes
Horsemeat: FSA widens tests to beef-based kebabs and gelatine 0 bbc
Tunisia Prime Minister Hamadi Jebali resigns 2 bbc
Tunisian leader Hamadi Jebali resigns 0 guardian
Oscar Pistorius weeps as South African court hears riveting testimony 0 guardian
General John Allen retires instead of taking Nato nomination 0 guardian
Setback for Rothschild in battle for control of Bumi 0 guardian
Elspet Gray obituary 0 guardian
Pakistan Announces Security Operation After Recent Bombing 2 nytimes
Maoists Block Deal to Break Nepal’s Long Political Deadlock 2 nytimes
Nestlé Pulls 2 Products in Horse Meat Scandal 1 nytimes
Syrian Army Rocket Kills 19 and Levels Buildings in Aleppo, Rebels Say 2 nytimes
Edinburgh Statutory Notice scheme 'scrapped' 0 bbc