News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Aftermath of Revolution 0 nytimes
John Major backs David Cameron over referendum on EU membership 0 guardian
Bezier to shed jobs at Wakefield, Leeds and Poole printing plants 0 bbc
Syria: Islamist fighters 'capture oil town' 0 bbc
Derry Bloody Sunday families offered £50,000 compensation 0 bbc
Private or state: Where do professional sportspeople go to school? 0 bbc
'Three missing' after avalanche in Cairngorms 2 bbc
Heinz bought by Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway for $28bn 3 bbc
Wildlife photos: How to take the best shots 1 bbc
Orson Scott Card isn't the right man to write Superman 1 guardian
Backpacker Sam Woodhead missing in Australian outback 0 bbc
Dale Cregan trial: Juror discharged for legal reasons 0 bbc
BNP case prompts exemption from unfair dismissal rules 0 bbc
Ivory Coast man sets himself alight at Rome airport 0 bbc
Ronald Dworkin obituary 1 guardian
Chetham's School of Music: Man arrest in sex abuse inquiry 1 bbc