News Article Title Version Source Discovered
EU warns Tories that UK security opt-out 'doesn't make sense' 0 guardian
Harold Wilson: A view from the gallery 0 bbc
Lettings agents drip-feed fees, tenants tell OFT 0 bbc
Avalanche search teams scrambled in Cairngorms 0 bbc
Heinz bought by Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway for $28bn 1 bbc
Die Hard sequel leaves critics cold 1 bbc
Police checks on partners broke data laws 1 bbc
Ed Miliband to blame David Cameron for declining British living standards 1 guardian
Home repossessions lowest since 2007, says CML 3 bbc
Ed Miliband backs 'mansion tax' to fund 10p tax rate return 4 bbc
Santander may be fined over poor financial advice 3 bbc
Vicky Pryce jury considering verdict 1 bbc
Secure colleges plan for young offenders 4 bbc
Nicole Kidman refused to say 'n-word', co-star reveals 0 bbc
Pakistan bombs targeting anti-Taliban tribe 'kill six' 0 bbc
Emmaus shop worker finds £9,000 cash in sofa 0 bbc