News Article Title Version Source Discovered
L'Aquila's earthquake-scarred streets see battle between science and politics 2 guardian
India's reaction to Obama's election victory 1 guardian
France's reaction to Obama's election victory 1 guardian
Obama victory: Best gifs and memes 2 guardian
Ashmolean museum exhibits rare Japanese tapestries of Meiji era 1 guardian
Italian provinces merger reignites ancient rivalries 2 guardian
Go global! Local papers and unpaid work are not the only options for would-be journalists 1 guardian
Stonewall unapologetic over Scottish cardinal's 'bigot of the year' award 2 guardian
Jordan police stations attacked by gunmen during protest 0 guardian
Exeter man dies in hospital a week after arrest in city centre 1 guardian
George Osborne declares support for new airport runway in south-east 2 guardian
Rwandan minister sentenced to life for key role in genocide 0 guardian
French police hunt Canadian porn actor suspected of body parts murder 0 guardian
US state ballot initiatives - from same-sex marriage to marijuana 0 guardian
Life as a Race Against a Diagnosis 0 nytimes
Restorers claim to have uncovered lost Giotto frescoes in quake-hit chapel 0 guardian