News Article Title Version Source Discovered
The men of Halifax queue up to cook 1 guardian
Foreign Office raises Egypt terror threat 1 guardian
Been and gone: The man behind Eric and Ernie, and the First Dog 2 bbc
Best cash Isa rates for 2012/13 – but act fast before they go 2 guardian
With Help From Nature, a Town Aims to Be a Solar Capital 1 nytimes
Kerry to Focus on Palestinian Economy as Part of Peace Process 0 nytimes
Barack Obama takes gun control campaign to Connecticut 0 guardian
Kent police investigate Paris Brown social media messages 0 guardian
Britain had coldest August evening for almost 40 years on Thursday 1 guardian
China Reports New Cases of Bird Flu 5 nytimes
Obama campaign manager Jim Messina puts faith in online organising 1 guardian
Australian radio host says female leaders are 'destroying the joint' 2 guardian
L'Aquila's earthquake-scarred streets see battle between science and politics 2 guardian
India's reaction to Obama's election victory 1 guardian
France's reaction to Obama's election victory 1 guardian
Obama victory: Best gifs and memes 2 guardian