News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Former Israeli soldiers disclose routine mistreatment of Palestinian children 4 guardian
Letter from Hungary: grey area 1 guardian
Saudi king allows women on top advisory council 1 guardian
Italy tales: 'It's like a circus with clowns entertaining the mass' 3 guardian
Egypt tense and polarised before referendum on new constitution 3 guardian
Malaysian general elections set for 5 May 1 bbc
South Korea raises surveillance alert level 2 bbc
UK Border Agency rejects calls to stop using force on pregnant detainees 1 guardian
Abdullah al-Senussi: Foreign Office urged to prevent execution of spy chief 4 guardian
Serious accident shuts part of M25 in Surrey 1 bbc
Ghanaians call for Fridays off as funerals take over weekends 1 guardian
Dozens killed in Zambia as bus crashes into truck 1 guardian
Freed killer found guilty of murdering stranger in knife attack 1 guardian
Gabrielle Giffords' advocacy group to air TV ad targeting Republican senators 1 guardian
The Emir of Qatar: why has he bought six Greek islands? 2 guardian
The Gambia faces growing diplomatic pressure to halt execution of prisoners 1 guardian