News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Sandy's terrible toll among elderly who didn't evacuate 1 guardian
Same-sex marriage opponents put green fingers up to Paris mayor 2 guardian
Malaysian general elections set for 5 May 2 bbc
Malaysia Sets Elections in Big Test for Ruling Party 3 nytimes
What can the north expect in next week's elections? 1 guardian
Debt collection agencies are tracking down £60bn 1 guardian
Chinese activist flees house arrest 4 guardian
Pedestrian death closes M25 in Surrey 2 bbc
Brics bank raises critical development questions, says OECD 1 guardian
EU investigation to probe Mastercard fees 1 bbc
Women bishops on agenda for Church in Wales governing body 2 bbc
Hamid Karzai swaps Kabul fortress for Claridge's finery 1 guardian
US proposes 'toughest sanctions yet' against North Korea 1 guardian
Ikea withdraws almond cakes due to 'faecal' bacteria 1 guardian
RBS and NatWest customers 'had loan repayments taken twice' 2 guardian
Lone Star college stabbings: Dylan Quick is charged after campus attacks 1 guardian