News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Independence Day: America celebrates the Fourth of July 1 guardian
South Sudan: two years old but nothing to celebrate 1 guardian
South Sudan: challenge of disarming a nation when no one trusts the state 1 guardian
Tom Watson resigns from shadow cabinet 1 guardian
Coalition in behind-the-scenes battle over royal charter on press regulation 1 guardian
Government Shutting Down in Impasse 10 nytimes
Charles Xue 'confession' highlights China's blogging backlash 0 bbc
Astronaut and a Writer at the Movies 0 nytimes
Comment Ban Sets Off Debate 0 nytimes
End of an Aimless Summer: 3 Youths Charged in a Killing 0 nytimes
On equal marriage, Gillard can't have her cake and eat it 0 guardian
Schapelle Corby's family pay her fine in hope of November parole 0 guardian
Campaigners want 10 gaps in breast cancer research to be tackled 0 guardian
Barry Till obituary 1 guardian
Churches accuse ministers of perpetuating myths about poverty 2 guardian
Washington DC police 'need better training to help sex assault victims' 2 guardian