News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Prime minister should appoint top civil servants, report recommends 1 guardian
All schools should have same freedoms as academies, say Labour 1 guardian
Hospitals to be given Ofsted-style ratings 1 guardian
Michael Fallon offers £25m to keep UK at forefront of aerospace research 1 guardian
Prison experts urge replacement of run down 'dungeons' with 'superjails' 1 guardian
Argentina struggles to curb football violence 1 bbc
Gloria Steinem's 'a bunny's tale' – 50 years later 2 guardian
Prisoners escape from India's Madhya Pradesh jail 1 bbc
David Cameron still in charge during Ibiza holiday, says No 10 1 guardian
Nelson Mandela's grandson defends decision over burial site 1 guardian
Rupert Murdoch tape: read extracts from the transcript 1 guardian
Tom Watson's resignation says more than the Labour leadership ever does 1 guardian
Badger cull: the police and NFU are losing the battle 0 guardian
Project Guardian: making public transport safer for women 0 guardian
Tony Abbott tells hosts Australia is 'barracking for a stronger Indonesia' 0 guardian
Ecuadorean minister arrives in UK to discuss future of Julian Assange 3 guardian