News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Justin Bieber under investigation after row with neighbour 1 guardian
Judge Orders New Jersey to Allow Gay Marriage 8 nytimes
Fixed, floating or blown away: pinning down Australia's carbon price 1 guardian
Germany's left is beginning to doubt the single currency 1 guardian
UK 'will miss European renewable energy target' 1 guardian
Tony Martin obituary 2 guardian
Climate change is a 'big business opportunity for the UK' 2 guardian
Obama Speaks to President of Iran in First Talk Since 1979 8 nytimes
US DEA agents arrest three 'contract assassins' 0 bbc
US supreme court rules human genes cannot be patented 5 guardian
MPs' expenses rise to almost £100m 2 guardian
Nick Clegg isn't helping 1 guardian
Syria chemical weapons: UN adopts binding resolution 6 bbc
Kate Tempest wins Ted Hughes poetry prize for 'spoken story' 3 guardian
Charlotte Green to make BBC football results debut 0 bbc
Jewellery heist hits Cannes film festival 5 guardian