News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Nick Clegg isn't helping 1 guardian
Syria chemical weapons: UN adopts binding resolution 6 bbc
Kate Tempest wins Ted Hughes poetry prize for 'spoken story' 3 guardian
Charlotte Green to make BBC football results debut 0 bbc
Jewellery heist hits Cannes film festival 5 guardian
The reality is Americans aren't that concerned about drones 2 guardian
Faith-based organisations: should dogma be left out of development? 5 guardian
Africa's soil diversity mapped for the first time 1 guardian
The sooner the US exits Afghanistan, the better 1 guardian
Eric Joyce denies being charged with breach of peace 1 guardian
Shutdown Looms as Senate Passes Budget Bill 11 nytimes
Brazil's people are crying out for change, so let's seize the moment 1 guardian
The Philippines: Rebel Standoff Ends 0 nytimes
Cyprus's economic woes could help resolve the island's dispute 2 guardian
Judge Orders Gay Marriage in New Jersey 7 nytimes
Breastfeeding saves lives – it's time for warnings on formula milk 1 guardian