News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Kumbh Mela documentary makes waves in Toronto 0 bbc
Russia: Coast Guard Boards Greenpeace Ship in Arctic 0 nytimes
South Africa: Panel Says Police Lied About Shootings 0 nytimes
Bangladesh: Police in Deadly Clash With Islamic Party’s Backers 0 nytimes
Mali: French President Declares Victory Over Jihadists 0 nytimes
Japan: Fukushima’s Surviving Reactors Ordered Shut 0 nytimes
Americans love zombies because they remind us of the Wild West 1 guardian
Why we should all worry about being tracked online 1 guardian
Ideas for 30 August - 2 September 1 guardian
Oman sultan's Iran visit sparks hopes of progress in nuclear standoff 1 guardian
Syrian refugees in Iraq risking lives to return home amid funding shortfall 1 guardian
Sichem Hawk steams into a fresh crisis - timeline 1 guardian
Young people 'should be told to cast vote or pay a fine' 2 guardian
Saying He’s Pro-Russia, McCain Criticizes Putin 3 nytimes
Ed Miliband hardens criteria for Syria strike 1 guardian
US soldier pleads guilty to killing 16 Afghan civillians during raids 2 guardian