News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Nigeria's Boko Haram attacks bring military reprisals to locals 2 guardian
Bombings in Baghdad kill 56 on eve of Iraq war anniversary 6 guardian
Maldives police accused of civil rights abuses being trained by Scottish police 4 guardian
Ri Sol-ju: pass notes No 3,273 3 guardian
Polish presidential plane wreckage contains 'high-energy materials' 3 guardian
New bird flu strain 'more easily caught by humans' than 2003 outbreak 2 guardian
Seized Argentinian sailing ship leaves Ghana 3 guardian
Mum, imam and Saddam: what daring young Iraqis are saying with tattoos 3 guardian
Man had knife blade in his back for three years 3 guardian
Rand Paul: Republican revolutionary leading the conservative charge to 2016 3 guardian
Assad's call for talks dismissed as 'a waste of time' by Syrian opposition 5 guardian
Twitter 'knocked off bike' cyclist 'lucky to be alive' 2 bbc
Twitter 'knocked off bike' cyclist 'lucky to be alive' 2 bbc
Schmallenberg vaccine available to UK farmers this summer 0 guardian
Police investigating claims of 'BMW race' in lead-up to M1 crash 3 guardian
Baghdad's fancy shopping malls peddle a better future, but who's buying? 3 guardian