News Article Title Version Source Discovered
If you're 'true to yourself', you might end up finding no real self to be true to 1 guardian
The Coalition swearing-in: Abbott enjoys his moment of perfect possibility 0 guardian
Mexico floods leave thousands trapped in Acapulco 0 guardian
Bangladesh protests against Islamist leader's death sentence turn violent 0 guardian
Team Australian Greens is growing 1 guardian
Obama may have to wait two weeks for Congress vote on Syria 2 guardian
Spanish train crash: driver Garzón tape revealed 2 guardian
Aviva outsourcing betrays UK workforce, says union 1 guardian
Apple chief Tim Cook charity auction stands at over $600,000 2 guardian
UK unemployment rate falls to 7.7% 2 guardian
Acquittal does not make someone a victim – this is just the system at work 1 guardian
Poland must rediscover the true meaning of solidarity 1 guardian
Spain's Tomatina festival puts a price on tomatoes 2 guardian
Major Lazer: 'We need to teach kids how to do drugs' 1 guardian
Young people think opposition to gay marriage is wicked, says archbishop 2 guardian
MPs agree to hold fire on naming firms that have used rogue private detectives 1 guardian