News Article Title Version Source Discovered
All hail the National Health Service – but not the EU 1 guardian
Chris Hadfield: astronaut, troubadour, tweeter – and a true Space Oddity 2 guardian
Cybergang foiled after allegedly hacking into London bank 4 guardian
Get a head start on fall TV premieres – thanks to the internet 1 guardian
PCs Fiona Bone and Nicola Hughes murders to be marked 2 bbc
Mexico floods leave thousands trapped in Acapulco 1 guardian
Bangladesh protests against Islamist leader's death sentence turn violent 1 guardian
Testing young children will cause untold damage 1 guardian
Kevin Rudd threatens states with Tafe funding bypass 1 guardian
Police called in over alleged fraud by Serco staff 2 guardian
Berliners' co-op aims to take over and run electricity grid of city 2 guardian
'We need to talk about open defecation' 2 guardian
Gas riches and ambitious leader put Qatar on diplomatic map 1 guardian
Egypt broadcasts male-only soap for Ramadan 1 guardian
Let's check James Comey's Bush years record before he becomes FBI director 1 guardian
Boeing 787 Dreamliner flies first UK passengers to Menorca 1 guardian