News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Nationals turn on Joe Hockey as war breaks out within Coalition 1 guardian
Taliban, in Tweet, Say They Killed Election Official 0 nytimes
Why won't concrete fly? It's a key question for Australia's economy 1 guardian
Greece's birthrate falls as austerity measures hit healthcare 1 guardian
Arctic sea ice shrinks to sixth-lowest extent on record 1 guardian
Embryo 'chatter' clues to fertility 1 bbc
Human rights court rejects new attempt to extradite terror suspect to US 2 guardian
How Australia's Barunga festival keeps alive the Aboriginal spirit 1 guardian
The Dwyfor is surely one of the loveliest of Welsh rivers 1 guardian
Labour recycles the Trident debate 1 guardian
How mercury poisons gold miners and enters the food chain 1 bbc
Scottish independence: Taking stock a year before the referendum 2 bbc
Grant Shapps accuses United Nations housing rapporteur of political bias 2 guardian
Ed Miliband must put forward a bold strategy to win the next election 0 guardian
Chairs, slippers and contemporary Ethiopia: the work of Ephrem Solomon 0 guardian
Listening to the Tehran blues in Los Angeles 0 guardian