News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Seamus Heaney – an appreciation 1 guardian
Iran: Rafsanjani signals wavering in long-standing support for Syria 1 guardian
BBC HR chief corrects evidence to MPs on executive's £1m payoff 1 guardian
'Inadequate, unaffordable, insecure': UK housing's decline and fall 1 guardian
European Commission should be democracy watchdog for EU, chief says 1 guardian
Kenneth Clarke: Boris Johnson should 'cool it' if he wants Tory leadership 1 guardian
Iran's conservatives silent as Rouhani puts nuclear talks on diplomatic footing 1 guardian
Analyse this: has Freud's sofa become a religious relic? 1 guardian
Why Anders Breivik is welcome at our university 1 guardian
Detective faces conduct hearing over 'catastrophic' interrogation 1 guardian
MoD defends decision to put down 'William' guard dogs 2 bbc
David Frum, the Iraq war and oil 4 guardian
Barocci's drawings blow me away 1 guardian
Internet pioneers are first winners of £1m engineering prize 1 guardian
Detroit becomes largest US city to file for bankruptcy in historic 'low point' 3 guardian
Australia and drones: time for an honest and public debate 1 guardian