News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Lieberman resignation signals shift in Israeli politics 3 guardian
Anders Behring Breivik's 21-year jail term closes Norway's darkest chapter 5 guardian
Syrian rebels take key military base 3 guardian
Gaza ceasefire: Syria's shrinking influence now exposed 3 guardian
China and US manufacturing improves 3 guardian
Prison officer feared death during gunman jailbreak 3 guardian
US court blocks handover of secret IRA tapes 3 guardian
UK Border Agency texts tell legitimate immigrants to leave UK 3 guardian
Argentina fears default after American court ruling 4 guardian
Terrace house collapses into river Ehen 3 guardian
A €1tn scandal or money well spent: where does the EU budget go? 6 guardian
Hunt wards off hospital attacks with Möbius strip logic 1 guardian
Brian Haw supporters campaign for statue in Parliament Square 3 guardian
Guantánamo inmate becomes ninth detainee to die at prison camp 3 guardian
Met rejects 'blunder' claims over Nicola Edgington background checks 3 guardian
Restorers tackle obscene 17th-century graffiti on rediscovered frescoes 3 guardian