News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Republicans complain of little progress in effort to strike fiscal cliff deal 3 guardian
Nigerian military in heavy fighting with Boko Haram militants 1 guardian
Why we'll never have total religious freedom 1 guardian
Delhi gang-rape: suspects in fatal attack on student to go to fast-track court 5 guardian
EU tightens sanctions against Iran 5 guardian
Give youth clubs money for sport 3 guardian
City challenge 3 guardian
Enrico Letta named Italy's prime minister designate 2 guardian
Psy and Kim Jong-un: the public faces of South and North Korea 2 guardian
Racially motivated attacks on the rise in Greece, human rights groups say 2 guardian
Japan's conservatives on cusp of election victory 3 guardian
Gay asylum seekers feeling increased pressure to prove sexuality, say experts 6 guardian
Rename Mexico as Mexico, says Mexican president 3 guardian
Italy votes: 'State only takes from us' 4 guardian
'Halal pork' supplier named 5 guardian
Lieberman resignation signals shift in Israeli politics 3 guardian