News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Nato should not 'rush for the exits' from Afghanistan, says British commander 5 guardian
Hamid Karzai seeks to curb CIA operations in Afghanistan 4 guardian
Boston attacks: manhunt for marathon bombings suspect 4 guardian
Why a Bible belt conservative spent a year pretending to be gay 5 guardian
Choco Pies offer North Koreans a taste of the other side 4 guardian
Title change for the International Herald Tribune 2 guardian
Women and power: the revolution of rising expectations 2 guardian
Lasagne taken off shelves amid concern over horsemeat contamination 7 guardian
'Graduates who come to the UK will do anything to pay the rent' 5 guardian
Jubilee: from royal barge to little ships, it's the taking part that counts 5 guardian
German defence minister: countries must learn that fighting is not enough 4 guardian
You can't compare rail franchises set up on different tracks 4 guardian
Lords must oppose EU crime opt-out 4 guardian
In one sentence, Iain Banks speaks volumes about marriage 1 guardian
David Cameron's press charter plan sends wrong message, says CPJ 1 guardian
Ireland Votes on Shutting Its Senate 2 nytimes