News Article Title Version Source Discovered
To This Tycoon, Iran Sanctions Were Like Gold 0 nytimes
Maverick anthropologist's memoir sparks fresh row over ancient Yanomami tribe 6 guardian
UN to examine UK and US drone strikes 6 guardian
Philippines: where Catholics, condoms and conservatism collide over health 1 guardian
Denis Donaldson: fresh inquiry into murder of British spy within Sinn Féin 6 guardian
Rockall, the guano-stained speck that continues to exert an allure 1 guardian
Paul Theroux on The Great Railway Bazaar – Guardian book club 1 guardian
Crime rate keeps falling despite austerity 4 guardian
Nato should not 'rush for the exits' from Afghanistan, says British commander 5 guardian
Hamid Karzai seeks to curb CIA operations in Afghanistan 4 guardian
Boston attacks: manhunt for marathon bombings suspect 4 guardian
Why a Bible belt conservative spent a year pretending to be gay 5 guardian
Choco Pies offer North Koreans a taste of the other side 4 guardian
Title change for the International Herald Tribune 2 guardian
Women and power: the revolution of rising expectations 2 guardian
Lasagne taken off shelves amid concern over horsemeat contamination 7 guardian